Hickory Point is one of the best places along the Gulf Coast of Florida for paddle boarding. Now with our new paddle boards, you have the opportunity to enjoy this physical outdoor activity and launch straight from the shore of the park.


While kayaking has been a popular activity in the past, our stand up paddle boards offer a slightly different approach to spending time on the water. You can sit. You can stand. You can lay down to catch some sun or you can even do some yoga moves on a paddle board





  • Avoid the wind. Standing on a paddle board your body acts as a sail, which makes it easier for the wind to carry you in one direction but harder to paddle in the other.
  • Go with the flow. Because you don’t cut through the water as easily as a kayak, it’s easier to go with the flow of the wind and the water.
  • Know where you’re going and how far you’re going. Paddle boarding is a leisure approach to being on the water and is not meant for going long distances. Remember, going as far as you want is optional, but making your way back is mandatory.
  • Begin on flat water. Paddle boarding is not made for waves and it’s more likely that you’ll tip over if you try to mount the paddle board in choppy water.
  • Bring essentials with you. Use a waterproof bag to bring essentials like sunscreen, water and perhaps a towel and your phone.






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